On cosmeticsandtears I will be reviewing various types of cosmetics, including but not limited to, make up and skincare.
My photos are my own unless otherwise stated. Should you have queries regarding my photos or desire to use any of them myself please email me for permission and then credit me.
All posts are my own, unless otherwise stated. These posts represent my own opinion and will reflect on my own personal experiences. Remember that opinions are always relative. Just because I rave about a product doesn't mean that you will too.
I am willing to receive samples from companies and will state in the blog when this has been the case. However, please remember that just because I have been sent something does not mean that my opinion will be biased. I will always give an honest opinion.
All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
PR Companies
My reviews will always be honest and I will not lie about my feelings on the product. Thus my reviews may be negative.
If you had a product that you would like me to feature please email me for contact details.
Please note that I may not review every sample that I am sent.